* Utility function for the htz-a11y-tabs module
* @module htz-a11y-tabs/utils
import dispatchEvent from 'htz-dispatch-event';
* Initialize an instance
* @param {HTMLElement} container - The wrapper element around the tabs and tab panels
* @param {String} tablistSelector - The tablist's selector.
* @param {String} tabpanelSelector - The tabpanel's selector.
* @param {clickHandler} clickHandler - A callback to handle click events.
* @param {keyHandler} keyHandler - A callback to handle keydown events.
* @param {Integer} activeTab - The tab number to activate. Zero based.
* @fires module:htz-a11y-tabs~a11y-tabs:init
* @return {Array} - An array whose items are:
* 0: the `tablist` HTMLElement
* 1: An Array of the clickable tab HTMLElements
export function initialize(
) {
const tablist = container.querySelector(tablistSelector);
const tabpanels = Array.from(container.querySelectorAll(tabpanelSelector));
const tabs = Array.from(tablist.children);
const clickables = Array.from(tablist.querySelectorAll('a, button'));
tablist.setAttribute('role', 'tablist');
tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
const clickable = tab.querySelector('a, button');
const tabpanel = tabpanels[index];
const isActive = index === activeTab;
const href = clickable.href;
const controls = href ? href.match(/#([^?&]*)/)[1] :
tabpanel ?
tabpanel.id || `tab${Math.random()}` :
tab.setAttribute('role', 'presentation');
clickable.setAttribute('role', 'tab');
clickable.setAttribute('tabindex', isActive ? '0' : '-1');
clickable.setAttribute('aria-controls', controls);
isActive ?
clickable.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true') :
tabpanel.setAttribute('role', 'tabpanel');
isActive ?
tabpanel.removeAttribute('aria-hidden') :
tabpanel.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
if (!tabpanel.id) tabpanel.id = controls;
if (isActive) makeFocusable(tabpanel);
// Attach event listeners
tablist.addEventListener('keydown', keyHandler);
tablist.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
* Fired from `container` when a tab interface is initialized
* @event module:htz-a11y-tabs~a11y-tabs:init
* @type {Object}
* @prop {Object} detail
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.activeTab - The active tab element.
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.activeTabpanel - The active tabpanel element.
activeTab: clickables[activeTab],
activeTabpanel: tabpanels[activeTab],
return [clickables, tabpanels];
* Destroy an instance. Removes event listeners and, optionally,
* accessibility attributes from the DOM.
* @param {HTMLElement} container - The container wrapping the tab interface
* @param {String} tablistSelector - The tablist's selector.
* @param {String} tabpanelSelector - The tabpanel's selector.
* @param {clickHandler} clickHandler - A callback to handle click events.
* @param {keyHandler} keyHandler - A callback to handle keydown events.
* @param {Boolean} [removeAttrs] - Determine if attributes should be remove
export function destroyInstance(
) {
const tablist = container.querySelector(tablistSelector);
// Remove event listeners
tablist.removeEventListener('click', clickHandler);
tablist.removeEventListener('keydown', keyHandler);
if (removeAttrs) {
const tabpanels = Array.from(container.querySelectorAll(tabpanelSelector));
const tabs = Array.from(tablist.children);
tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
const clickable = tab.querySelector('a, button');
const tabpanel = tabpanels[index];
* Fired from `container` after a tab interface has been destroyed.
* @event module:htz-a11y-tabs~a11y-tabs:destroy
* @type {Object}
dispatchEvent(container, 'a11y-tabs:destroy');
* Go to the next tab
* @param {HTMLElement} container - The container wrapping the tab interface
* @param {HTMLElement[]} tabs - An array containing the tab elements
* @param {HTMLElement[]} tabpanels - An array containing tabpanel element
* @param {Integer} activeTabIndex - The index of the currently active tab
* @param {Boolean} focus - Determine if the newly activated tab should be focused.
* @return {Integer} The index of the newly active tab.
export function nextTab(container, tabs, tabpanels, activeTabIndex, focus) {
const targetIndex = activeTabIndex + 1;
return gotoTab(targetIndex, container, tabs, tabpanels, activeTabIndex, focus);
* Go to the previous tab
* @param {HTMLElement} container - The container wrapping the tab interface
* @param {HTMLElement[]} tabs - An array containing the tab elements
* @param {HTMLElement[]} tabpanels - An array containing tabpanel element
* @param {Integer} activeTabIndex - The index of the currently active tab
* @param {Boolean} focus - Determine if the newly activated tab should be focused.
* @return {Integer} The index of the newly active tab.
export function prevTab(container, tabs, tabpanels, activeTabIndex, focus) {
const targetIndex = activeTabIndex - 1;
return gotoTab(targetIndex, container, tabs, tabpanels, activeTabIndex, focus);
* Go to a tab
* @param {Integer} targetIndex - The index of the tab to be activated
* @param {HTMLElement} container - The container wrapping the tab interface
* @param {HTMLElement[]} tabs - An array containing the tab elements
* @param {HTMLElement[]} tabpanels - An array containing tabpanel element
* @param {Integer} activeTabIndex - The index of the currently active tab
* @param {Boolean} focus - Determine if the newly activated tab should be focused.
* @fires module:htz-a11y-tabs~a11y-tabs:before-select
* @fires module:htz-a11y-tabs~a11y-tabs:after-select
* @return {Integer} The index of the newly active tab.
export function gotoTab(targetIndex, container, tabs, tabpanels, activeTabIndex, focus) {
const currentTab = tabs[activeTabIndex];
const targetTab = tabs[targetIndex];
const currentTabpanel = tabpanels[activeTabIndex];
const targetTabpanel = tabpanels[targetIndex];
if (targetTab && targetTabpanel) {
* Fired from `container` before a tab selection is applied. If the event
* handler executes `event.preventDefault()`, the selection will not be applied.
* @event module:htz-a11y-tabs~a11y-tabs:before-select
* @type {Object}
* @prop {Object} detail
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.currentTab - The currently active tab
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.targetTab - The tab that will be activated
* after the selection is applied.
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.currentTabpanel - The currently active tabpanel
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.targetTabpanel - The tabpanel that will be
* activated after the selection is applied.
const allowed = dispatchEvent(
{ currentTab, targetTab, currentTabpanel, targetTabpanel }
if (allowed) {
handleTabSwitch(currentTab, targetTab, currentTabpanel, targetTabpanel, focus);
* Fired from `container` after a tab selection is applied.
* @event module:htz-a11y-tabs~a11y-tabs:after-select
* @type {Object}
* @prop {Object} detail
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.prevTab - The previously active tab
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.targetTab - The tab that has been activated
* by the selection.
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.prevTabpanel - The previously active tabpanel
* @prop {HTMLElement} detail.targetTabpanel - The tabpanel that will be activated
* after the selection is applied.
prevTab: currentTab,
prevTabpanel: currentTabpanel,
return targetIndex;
return undefined;
* Make the first child of an element focusable. If the element has
* no children, make the element itself focusable.
* @param {HTMLElement} elem - The Element to target
* @return {HTMLElement} - The focusable element.
* @private
export function makeFocusable(elem) {
const firstChild = elem.firstElementChild;
(firstChild || elem).setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
return firstChild || elem;
* Handle DOM changes related to switching tabs
* @param {HTMLElement} currentTab - The currently selected tab
* @param {HTMLElement} targetTab - The tab to be selected
* @param {HTMLElement} currentTabpanel - The currently selected tabpanel
* @param {HTMLElement} targetTabpanel - The tabpanel to be selected
* @param {Boolean} moveFocus - Determine if the newly activated tab should be focused.
* @private
function handleTabSwitch(currentTab, targetTab, currentTabpanel, targetTabpanel, moveFocus) {
currentTab.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
targetTab.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
targetTab.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true');
currentTabpanel.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
const focusable = makeFocusable(targetTabpanel);
if (moveFocus) focusable.focus();